Blue Phantom Angelfish Photo Update

We love hearing from our customers, and especially love seeing photo updates of our captive-bred angelfish. We often ship our fish before the adult colors have had a chance to develop, and while we may think a certain specimen has some cool attributes, it can take a year or more for the full potential to develop. Our Blue Phantoms had us holding our breathe. We knew they had some great potential to turn into show stoppers and some of our first ones certainly looked the part. Recently, we received some photos of one of our Blue Phantom hybrids from Rob Mougey, former MASNA president and long time aquarist. We were overjoyed to see this specimen developing the wild and crazy blue lines we were hoping to see. Check out the photos from Rob below. This is just the beginning for this fish and we are anxiously awaiting the next set of photos to see how these wild lines develop. Thanks for sharing Rob.
All photos Copyright Rob Mougey